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AAPL Stock Market Website Built with Laravel & PostgreSQL

Habibur Rahaman Fahim
4 min readJun 25, 2023



In today’s fast-paced financial world, having real-time access to stock market data is essential for investors and traders. In this article, it will explore the process to build a stock market site using the Laravel framework and PostgreSQL. Laravel is a powerful PHP framework known for its elegance and simplicity, making it an excellent choice for developing web applications.

Step 1: Setting Up the Project

To begin, need to set up a new Laravel project. This involves installing Laravel, configuring the environment, and initializing the project structure. Once the initial setup is complete, can move on to the next step.

Step 2: Designing the Database Schema

Before dive into the code, it’s crucial to design the database schema for storing the stock data. In this example, will create a table called “stocks” with columns for the stock symbol, price, and creation timestamp; actually the tables that generated as “.csv” file. Laravel provides a convenient way to define and manage database migrations, ensuring that our database structure remains synchronized with the application.

Step 3: Creating the Stock Controller

In Laravel, controllers handle the logic for processing incoming requests and returning responses. In this stock market website, have to create a StockController to handle the retrieval and storage of stock data. This controller will communicate with an external API to fetch real-time stock information and persist it in the database.

Step 4: Implementing API Integration

To retrieve stock data, it’ll utilize Laravel’s support for making HTTP requests. We’ll use a popular HTTP client library called Guzzle to communicate with an API that provides stock market information. By sending a GET request to the API endpoint, so that can fetch the desired stock data and store it in this website’s database.

AAPL Stock Value Chart

Step 5: Creating the Stock Model

Models in Laravel represent the entities in this site application and facilitate database interactions. In this case, will create a Stock model that corresponds to the “stocks” table in the database. This model will define the fields and their associated data types, allowing us to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on the stock data.

Step 6: Setting Up the Stock Migration

Migrations are a vital part of Laravel’s database management. They enable us to define and modify the database schema using code. In this step, will create a migration for the “stocks” table, specifying the columns and their respective data types. By running the migration command, Laravel will create the necessary table in the database.

Step 7: Designing the Stock Index View

To present the stock data to users, have to create a view called stock.index This view will render a table displaying the stock symbol, price, and creation date. By iterating over the stock data retrieved from the database, so that it can dynamically populate the table rows and present the information in an organized manner.

Step 8: Defining the Routes

Routes in Laravel determine how incoming requests are handled and which controller method should be executed. In this step, have to define a route that maps the “/stocks” URL to the index method of our StockController. When users access this route, the corresponding method will be invoked, triggering the retrieval of stock data and rendering of the stock.index view.

Step 9: Testing the Application

With all the components in place, it’s time to test our stock market application. By accessing the “/stocks” URL in a web browser, we can observe the application in action. The StockController will retrieve stock data from the API, store it in the database, and present it on the stock.index view. This provides users with up-to-date information on stock prices and allows for easy analysis.


In this article, explored the process of building a stock market website using the Laravel framework. By leveraging Laravel’s powerful features, such as controllers, models, migrations, and views, possible to create a fully functional application that retrieves real-time stock data, stores it in a database, and presents it to users in a user-friendly manner.

Git Repository:

If you are interested in viewing the code implementation of the stock market website discussed in this article, please visit my GitHub repository. There, you will find the complete source code, including controllers, models, views, and configuration files, allowing you to dive deeper into the implementation details and explore further customization options.

Git Repository Link: AAPL Stock Market Website Built With Laravel & PostgreSQL

